The Volcano vaporizer is the king of desktop vaporizers. It has no equal. With powerful vapor production that’s unrivaled by its competitors, this easy to use herbal vaporizer takes the cake. It is the best desktop vaporizer on the market today — a title that the Volcano has maintained since its release roughly twenty years ago.

The Balloon Makes Usage A Breeze

Who would have thought that capturing vapor in a balloon would work out so well? Storz & Bickel, creators of the Volcano, that’s who. The detachable balloon system, which is at the heart of the Volcano’s ease of use, was first patented back in 1998. It may have seemed like a silly idea to some, but as it turns out, it’s this feature in particular that has played heavily into the Volcano’s success. By capturing vapor in a balloon that is then detached from the vaporizer, vapers can casually sit back, relax, and puff on a balloon full of vapor. There’s nothing else like it. Well, there is, but nothing that’s quite as convenient. There have been those who have tried to mimic its success with their own balloon-filling vaporizer systems, and there have been some lawsuits. As it stands, there are those who have come close to matching the Volcano’s uniquely convenient and powerful vaping system, but none that have managed to match it, let alone surpass it.

Vapes Dry Herbs & Concentrates

Regardless of whether you’re vaping dry herbs or extracts, the Volcano does it well. The liquid concentrate pads that it comes with make it easy to vape oils, dabs, or whatever it is that you have. Take those concentrates and drop them on the pad, that’s all it takes to vape extracts when you’re vaping with the Volcano vaporizer.

With many herbal vaporizers on the market today, customers have to choose between buying a dry herb model or a concentrate model. With the Volcano, there’s no need to choose between the two because it does it all. This is one of the many benefits to using the Volcano system, and it’s not a feature you can ignore. With it, you have access to the full range of herbal remedies available today. There’s no real limitation on what you can do and that, in itself, is reason to consider buying the Volcano. But there are still more reasons why the Volcano shrugs off the competition, such as vapor quality.

The Power To Control Your Vapor

With the Volcano, taking control of the vapor production is easy. If you’re using the Classic, you twist the temperature knob to your preferred setting. If you’re using the Digit, which is the more expensive version, you click the up and down arrows to reach your desired vaping temperature. With the Digit, you have a display that shows the temperature you’re at currently and the temperature you’re aiming to reach. By adjusting the temperature, you can take control of the powerful internal heating element, which in turn allows you to control the vapor that it produces.

Keeping the heat low will help keep your flavor profile intact, lending to extremely tasty his. Cranking the heat up will increase the density of the vapor produced. If you want thick hits, you’ll want the heat up high. If you’re more concerned with taste, then you’re likely better off at a lower temperature.

The Downsides: Cost And Cleaning

There are two downsides to using a Volcano: maintenance and cost. The cost, which is high by vaporizer standards, is something that you should shrug off if you can afford it. While it’s not always the case in this world, sometimes good things cost good money. In this case, that’s exactly what’s up. The Volcano is expensive, but it’s well worth the money spent. Beyond this, the only real complaint I’ve ever had after countless years of vaping with a Volcano is the time it takes to maintain. You can cut down on maintenance by using the Volcano’s Easy Valve instead of its Solid Valve. Personally, I prefer to use the Solid Valve because it allows for custom bag sizes. With the Easy, you’re a bit more wasteful as you’ve moved away from usable to replaceable, but you cut down on maintenance by quite a bit. If you’re lazy, you may want to go with the Easy Valve, but if you don’t mind a little extra work for the sake of customizing the capacity of your vaporizer bags, then it’s the Solid Valve that I’d suggest.

The Best Desktop Vaporizer

In every sense, the Volcano is the best. If you can afford it, I suggest you buy it. It will almost certainly save you money in the long run as it’s incredibly efficient, allowing you to get the most out of your herbs and extracts. And to be extra efficient, you can always take your vape trash (the leftovers) and convert them into butter or something similar to be used in the creation of baked goods or whatever it is that you’re into. Do this and your savings will be severe.

You can buy the Volcano vaporizer from this online store.

Published by Lawrence Johnson

Lawrence is a former smoker who switched to vaping after more than a decade of huffing down cigarettes. Now an avid vaper, he's here to share his deep insight into the world of vaping with Vapor Insider's readers.