Smokers who are quitting can now use Vaper Empire’s new app to tell exactly how long it has been since the last time that they smoked. With the app, keeping track of when that last cigarette was could not be easier. Press a button and the app does the rest.

Technical Specs

  • Designed for Android OS 4.4+
  • Not currently compatible with iOS
  • Current version: 1.0.1
  • Size: 7.1M
  • Last updated: June 23, 2019

Installation & Usage

  1. Install the app on an Android device by first downloading it from the Google Play Store or CNET.
  2. Open the app on the device upon which it has been installed.
  3. Press the large button labeled “Start Tracking” to begin tracking.


The app provides users with few options to choose from. There is a button to start the tracking process, which continues even while the app is closed and the device is powered off, and another button to reset the timer. When the reset button is pressed, a dialogue requests confirmation from the user that their intent is to reset the progress of the tracker. These are the only two options that the app provides.

Across the bottom of the app’s main interface is a banner advertisement. Beyond this, the app has no other advertisements, nor charges or hidden fees. Lacking the push notification in version 1.0.1 makes the app that much less intrusive. The interface itself is clean and simple, making the app extremely easy to use.

What it’s designed to do, it does: track the progress of quitting smokers.

The Developer

This app is made by Vaper Empire, a popular vape brand in both Australia and New Zealand. Vaper Empire sells its own line of electronic cigarette products, including e-cigarette kits and e-liquid, exclusively through its own online store.

UPDATE: As of March 7, 2020, the app discussed in this article has been updated and republished under a new name, Quit Smoking Progress Tracker. Subsequently, some of the information contained in this article is no longer accurate.

Published by Lawrence Johnson

Lawrence is a former smoker who switched to vaping after more than a decade of huffing down cigarettes. Now an avid vaper, he's here to share his deep insight into the world of vaping with Vapor Insider's readers.