There is an unfortunate reality that some Juulers may face: pods that leak. If your Juul pod is leaking, there are some steps you may want to follow. Before we get to all that, let’s cover some of the reasons why your pod might be leaking.

Reasons Why Juul Pods Leak

There are a number of reasons why Juul pods sometimes leak. For instance, the pod itself might be defective. Some pods may be leaking upon arrival. If this is the case, there’s a chance that you may be able to visibly detect the moisture contained within the sealed packaging that holds the pod. If you see any moisture in there outside of the e-juice contained within the pod itself, then there’s a chance it’s defective and is essentially dead on arrival. While you can still potentially use the pod, you may want to simply discard it and move on.

Your Juul device itself may also be to blame for leaky pods. I’ve come across Juul device batteries where the area that the pod is inserted is manufactured a bit too tight. This causes the pod to be squeezed once it’s inserted into the opening, which can cause leaking. If this is the case, your best bet is to use another battery, as the one you’re using is faulty and should be replaced. If pod after pod, pack after pack, you are finding that your vape pods are leaking, then the culprit may be the battery.

Another reason why your pod might be leaking is simply user error. If you are squeezing your pods by accident, you may be causing them to leak. If you are constantly detaching and reattaching your pod from your battery, there’s a chance that you may cause structural damage to the pod that causes it to leak.

If your pod is leaking through the mouthpiece, replace it. If the e-juice leaks directly into your mouth, rinse your mouth out thoroughly with water. Next, wipe off any residue from the device. Once that’s done, wash your hands.

Not sure why your pod is leaking? Then you may want to try contacting Juul’s customer support. They know their products well and can help you troubleshoot the issue.

How To Fix Leaking Juul Pods

There’s no real fix for a pod that leaks. If the pod is damaged or defective, there’s a chance it could leak. If your pod is not leaking e-juice into your mouth through the top of the pod, then there’s a chance it can still be used without any issue. If it is leaking into your mouth, then it may be best to simply replace it.

If your vape pod has leaked, make sure to clean off any e-liquid that may have spilled. Wash your hands thoroughly once you’ve wiped down any surfaces it may have touched and try your best to avoid coming in direct contact with the e-juice. If you’ve had the unfortunate experience of getting e-juice in your mouth, be sure to rinse your mouth out thoroughly using water.

If you are finding that your pods are consistently leaking, it may be wise to check your vaping habits, device batteries, and if all else fails, consider consulting with Juul’s customer service team in an effort to find a remedy for your leaky pods.

Where To Buy Juul

You can buy Juul devices, starter kits, and pods online here.

Published by Lawrence Johnson

Lawrence is a former smoker who switched to vaping after more than a decade of huffing down cigarettes. Now an avid vaper, he's here to share his deep insight into the world of vaping with Vapor Insider's readers.