Since August 11, 2021, regulations have restricted general retailers in New Zealand to just three flavors of vaping products that they’re allowed to sell to consumers. These three flavors –tobacco, mint and menthol — are a mere sliver of what’s available on today’s market and not everyone in New Zealand is happy with the restriction.

Despite the fact that licensed specialist vape shops in the country can legally sell flavors outside of the three that general retailers are limited to, the Coalition of Asia-Pacific Tobacco Harm Reduction Advocates (CAPHRA) has called on the country’s Director-General of Health to review the restriction on flavored vaping products that is currently in place.

Citing the restriction on vape flavors at general retailers such as supermarkets, CAPHRA Executive Coordinator Nancy Loucas said that the flavor limitation is not allowing adult smokers in the country “to make the best decision for their health nor is it helping New Zealand reduce its smoking rate.”

“Adult smokers desperate to quit can go to a supermarket and choose any brand of cigarette under the sun, yet they can only choose from three vape flavors. That’s not enabling them to make the best decision for their health nor is it helping New Zealand reduce its smoking rate.”

A study by Yale University found evidence to suggest that banning vape flavors leads to increased teen cigarette use.

In July of 2022, Dr. Diana Sarfati was appointed the Acting Director-General of Health, replacing Dr. Ashley Bloomfield.

During Bloomfield’s time as Director-General of Health, the New Zealand Ministry of Health launched a Vaping Facts website promoting the message that “vaping is less harmful than smoking.”

Through the Smokefree Aotearoa 2025 Action Plan, which was released late last year by Associate Health Minister Dr. Ayesha Verrall, New Zealand aims to reduce smoking in the country to 5% or less of the general population.

According to Ms. Loucas, the plan does reduce tobacco’s availability and appeal, however, it fails “to fully acknowledge the positive role vaping has played, and will play, in getting Kiwis off the cancer sticks.”

“The smokefree action plan makes tobacco less available and less appealing. It fails, however, to fully acknowledge the positive role vaping has played, and will play, in getting Kiwis off the cancer sticks. That is a worry because we won’t get there without safer nicotine products.”

Published by Lawrence Johnson

Lawrence is a former smoker who switched to vaping after more than a decade of huffing down cigarettes. Now an avid vaper, he's here to share his deep insight into the world of vaping with Vapor Insider's readers.