DaVinci Launches The IQC Vaporizer

DaVinci IQC Vaporizer
The new DaVinci IQC, a portable vaporizer with an antimicrobial mouthpiece. (Credit: DaVinci Vaporizer)
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DaVinci has become a well-known brand in the herbal vaporizer scene and their latest vaporizer, the DaVinci IQC Vaporizer, reminds us all why the company and its products have become popular with the herbal vaping community.

This new portable vape takes an innovative approach with its FDA antimicrobial polymer mouthpiece that the company calls Sharesafe. If you can’t figure out where they came up with the name for the new mouthpiece, consider what happens when you share your vape with someone: they take your vape, put their mouth on it, and inhale vapor from it. When you go to use it, you’re putting your mouth on the same mouthpiece.

I talked about this topic a bit in my article on vaping etiquette here on Vapor Insider. If you didn’t happen to catch the article and don’t have time to read it, don’t worry because I’ll explain why DaVinci’s Sharesafe mouthpiece is particularly appealing to me and why it may appeal to you for the same reason.

If you ever share your vapes, you might find yourself wiping the mouthpiece after someone else uses it in what may be a feeble attempt to avoid sharing germs. In the age of the pandemic, this might seem like a fairly normal precaution to a lot of people. Even in a time before the latest pandemic, there’s a chance that a lot of people already took similar precautions when sharing vapes. This is where the Sharesafe mouthpiece comes in to save the day.

“We take pride in bringing forward innovative, clean technology—and following the pandemic we see a need for it more than ever, which is why this device features a Sharesafe™ FDA-approved antimicrobial polymer mouthpiece.”

Antimicrobial products, which is what the IQC’s mouthpiece is, are designed to kill or slow the spread of microorganisms, which include bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoans.

“We take pride in bringing forward innovative, clean technology—and following the pandemic we see a need for it more than ever, which is why this device features a Sharesafe™ FDA-approved antimicrobial polymer mouthpiece,” said Cortney Smith, CEO and founder of the DaVinci Vaporizer company.

The DaVinci IQC boasts the following:

  • Advanced temperature control
  • App connectivity
  • Replaceable 18650 battery (3500 mAh)
  • Rapid charging via USB Type-C
  • Portability
  • No metals or plastics
  • Sealed zirconia glass airpath
  • 2 hours of operation when fully charged
  • Storage for extra batteries

The IQC is compatible with both dry herbs and concentrates. For use with concentrates, dosage pods are loaded directly into the vape’s oven.

DaVinci was founded in 2011. In its early days, the company delivered what was then known simply as the DaVinci Vaporizer, which is now known as the DaVinci Classic. Since then, the company has delivered a number of herbal vaporizers to market, including the DaVinci Ascent Vaporizer, DaVinci IQ, IQ2, MIQRO, and now the latest in its IQ series, the IQC.

You can watch DaVinci Vaporizer’s video overview of the IQC below.

Lawrence Johnson

Lawrence Johnson

Lawrence is a former smoker who switched to vaping after more than a decade of huffing down cigarettes. Now an avid vaper, he's here to share his deep insight into the world of vaping with Vapor Insider's readers.