The Smoke Buddy, which is technically called the “Smokebuddy,” and Smoke Buddy Jr are popular tools for filtering smoke and vapor while smoking and vaping. Do they really work? After testing both of them extensively with a variety of different vapes, I can say without a doubt that they absolutely do work. They perfectly hide the smell of vapor and smoke so long as 100%* of the vapor or smoke is blown through the filter. For the ultimate stealth sessions, buy yourself a Smoke Buddy.
You can buy Smoke Buddy personal air filters online here.
*It is unlikely to assume that you will be able to blow 100% of your smoke or vapor through the filter. As a result, some smell is to be expected, however, it should be greatly reduced so long as the filter is used properly.
In-Depth Smoke Buddy Review
Disclaimer: This review contains affiliate links and Vapor Insider may receive compensation for any products purchased through these links.
Does Smoke Buddy Work For Vape?
In order to test the Smokebuddy and Smokebuddy Junior, I personally purchased numerous of each. I used them in combination with a Hyde disposable vape and exhaled the vapor through the filter and directly into the faces of multiple willing participants in order to gain their feedback. All of the participants confirmed that they could not smell the vapor when blown through a Smokebuddy filter despite the fact that I was blowing it directly in their faces. In conclusion, the Smoke Buddy definitely works. It hides the smell of vapor perfectly. Well, perhaps not perfectly, but close enough. If I had to guess just how much of the odor it’s trapping, I’d put it at around 95% or greater. That, for me, is definitely more than enough.

The only downside is that it’s a passive system that requires action, as you must blow through it each time you exhale to hide the smell of vapor by trapping the smell inside its activated carbon filter. Still, it’s a wonderful tool for vapers, especially considering its small size and low cost. It’s like a hi-tech sploof for stealth vaping that works better than any homemade Smokebuddy you’ve ever tried to make. Stop blowing through dryer sheets stuffed in a cardboard tube and mask your vape and smoke odors the right way with Smokebuddy’s carbon filter, which you can order online here.
How Long Does Smokebuddy Last?
When you’re vaping with Smokebuddy, don’t expect it to last as long as it would if you were only using it to filter smoke while smoking. Vapor and smoke are different and the differences between them extend to how they impact the filter that the tool uses to capture smells. The vapor, unfortunately, will cause the carbon filter to break down faster, reducing its life and requiring replacement at shorter intervals.
Smokebuddies come in two different sizes, Original and Junior. The Smokebuddy Original is the larger of the two and it lasts longer. The Junior, however, may be more pleasant for some smokers and vapers due to its size. You may find the smaller opening through which to blow on the Junior to be more comfortable to use. You may also find that the Junior’s much more compact and subsequently pocket-friendly design makes for a better traveling companion, as it fits much more easily in a pocket or purse.
How long your Smokebuddy lasts will ultimately be determined by how you use it and how often you use it. The more you use it, the sooner it will need to be replaced. Smokebuddy Original lasts 300 or more uses and Smokebuddy Junior lasts 150 or more, according to the manufacturer’s estimates for each filter. For most people, this translates into 1-6 months of use. Mine usually lasts anywhere from weeks to more than a month. And no, Smoke Buddies do not last forever. They do eventually need to be replaced.
Fortunately for smokers and vapers that find themselves replacing their filters more often, Smokebuddy replacement filters are relatively cheap and you can buy them online without ever having to leave your home.
To order yours online, shop at this store.
How Often Should You Replace Your Smokebuddy?
Your Smokebuddy personal air filter should be replaced when it’s no longer effective. For heavy users, this day will come sooner. For vapers, it will come even sooner. By some estimates, it should last for around 3 months, however, my own personal experience as a moderate to heavy vaper shows that each filter lasts anywhere from a few weeks to over a month.
The lifespan of my own filters is cut short by the fact that I’m blowing vapor through them instead of smoke, and I’m using them at a high rate of frequency. Typically, I’ll use a filter multiple times a day, which isn’t terribly surprising given that I’m a moderate to heavy vaper.
With vaping, the carbon breaks down rather quickly, at least in comparison to smoking. This causes the filter to require replacement at shorter intervals. Over time, the filter will capture so much moisture from the vapor that it begins to lose its structural integrity. Eventually, it will feel heavy with the weight of moisture trapped inside it. If it’s not replaced soon enough, moisture will begin to leak out of it and you may notice some wet spots as it begins to drip. I suggest replacing the filter long before you reach this point, which in my case can be anywhere from a few weeks to over a month.
How Does Smoke Buddy Work?
Removing the smell from exhaled vapor and smoke is a simple task for the Smokebuddy. It eliminates the smell of secondhand smoke and vapor by filtering it through a carbon air filter. In order to use it, simply exhale your smoke or vapor through it with your mouth pressed firmly against the smaller of the two openings. Both ends are open, however, there is a carbon filter between the two ends, ensuring that the smoke or vapor you exhale through it is forced through the filter before exiting. This effectively eliminates the odor of smoke and vapor.
How does a carbon filter trap odor? Through a process known as adsorption. During adsorption, the odor molecules attach to the outside of carbon, which effectively traps them in place and in the case of the Smokebuddy, prevents them from floating freely into the air. Odors, for reference, are chemical molecules that are light enough to be swept around by the environment. Once they’ve passed through the Smokebuddy, they lose their ability to float freely about as the filter captures them and holds them in place.
In addition to eliminating the smell of smoke and vapor, the filter also does a fine job of reducing the amount of smoke and vapor that is released into the air. I still see some exiting the other end of the filter when I blow through it, however, the amount is drastically reduced and the smell is virtually neutralized.
Does Smokebuddy Stop Smell?
Yes. The Smokebuddy really does work. It does exactly what it’s designed to do, which is eliminate odors from smoking. It also works with vapes. So long as you use it the way it’s intended, it will do an excellent job of capturing any smells when you exhale. A little vapor and smoke will likely escape while you’re vaping or smoking, as it’s virtually impossible to ensure that every little bit passes through the filter. Regardless, it absolutely does work and it works well.
For smoking or vaping inside, which I do not recommend, the best vapor and smoke eliminator that I’ve personally used is the Smokebuddy. I prefer to use the Original, as opposed to the Junior because it’s easier to blow through and lasts longer.
If you absolutely must vape or smoke indoors, I recommend using one of these little personal air filters in combination with any one or more of the following:
- Opening a window
- Turning on an air purifier
- Turning on an exhaust fan to vent air outside
What Is Smokebuddy Made Of?
The filter is made from activated carbon, which is sometimes referred to as activated charcoal. While the two terms are essentially synonymous with one another, there is a difference between carbon and charcoal. Carbon is a naturally occurring element found in various allotropes, whereas charcoal is the charred remains of pyrolyzed wood or other organic substances, such as bamboo. Despite the difference in charcoal and carbon, activated carbon and activated charcoal are both efficient odor removers.
The shell or exterior of the tool is made from plastic. Inside is the filter, which is set in place and not designed to be removed or replaced. There are also two plastic lids that can be used to seal the two openings on the top and bottom.
Can You Replace The Filter?
The internal filter on the Smokebuddy is not designed to be replaced by the user. You should know when it is time to purchase a Smoke Buddy replacement filter, which is a brand new Smokebuddy. If you are using your filter with your vaping device, such as an e-cigarette, it will gradually become more difficult for you to blow vapor through it. Eventually, it will no longer effectively remove odor from exhaled smoke and vapor. At this point, it should be replaced. You may choose to replace it sooner for whatever reason.
Personally, I tend to replace mine once they get a little too difficult to blow through. When they’re fresh, they are very easy to blow through. Over time, blowing through them begins to take more and more effort. It will feel like the filter is getting clogged, making it harder for vapor and smoke to pass through it. When exactly you decide to replace it is up to you, however, I recommend replacing it sooner rather than later for an optimal experience.
Conclusion: Buy Yourself A Smoke Buddy Now
If you’re looking for a way to magically remove smoke odor so that it doesn’t smell when you smoke, the Smokebuddy is the best solution that I’ve come across. It works and it works well. If you want to reduce the amount of smoke and vapor that you exhale while eliminating the smell, buy a Smokebuddy from this store.